Interested in owning an original Sour Steve collage?
Inquire about pricing in the EMail provided below!
Need intriguing Artwork for Your Next project??
Contact Sour Steve Studios in Asheville, North Carolina using the email provided.
Sour Steve has over 100 stock illustrations available by request and is currently accepting requests for original commission projects.
Pricing for commission work is based on the following:
-Your budget
-Scope of project
-Print run
-Shipping requirements if needed (All Artwork is shipped out of Sour Steve Studios in Asheville, NC).
-Your deadline
Turnaround time for commission based projects is typically 30 days from receipt of initial non-refundable deposit of 50% (this serves as a cancellation fee should you decide not to use it).
The rights negotiated for artwork are generally non-exclusive (unless otherwise arranged) and Sour Steve retains the right to use the art to display as an example of his work on his web site and in professional promotions and in any future book that features collections of his artwork, etc. Rights for merchandise are also generally negotiated separately.
For commissioned art, the sale of limited rights does not include ownership of the actual original. Although a discounted rate on the original will be available for the client.
If you are interested in having a commission piece made for your band, event, etc. or to inquire about pricing and shipping options for original artworks, please send an email to
For commission work, please write COMMISSION REQUEST in the subject line. As well, be sure to mention in the email:
Your name and/or name of your band as well as name of your upcoming project (if named).
Your location/region
Your budget for said project.
Number of print reproductions required.
Shipping requirements if needed.
General idea of theme for commissioned artwork.
If you are interested in purchasing a piece of artwork not yet available in the Store tab, please write ARTWORK PURCHASE in the subject line--All original artwork is shipped framed unless otherwise stated. All purchases come with free stickers and other assorted art goodies!